Aurum Europe B.V. (and its subsidiaries, hereinafter: “Aurum”) places great importance on your privacy. In this document, the privacy statement, we clearly and transparently inform you about how we handle your personal data. We will always treat your data with the utmost care and will never share your personal data with third parties or use it for commercial purposes. 


In this privacy statement, we explain the key processes of personal data by Aurum. We use specific terminology, including: 

Personal data:
Information that directly or indirectly relates to you as an individual, such as your name, address, or date of birth.

Any action that can be taken with personal data, such as collecting, storing, using, or deleting it from our records. 

The ‘owner’ of certain personal data. This could be a third party (customer, supplier, etc.) or Aurum itself, depending on the nature of the data. 

Processor (or sub-processor):
The party that actually processes the data. This could be Aurum (as an ICT service provider) or a third party that, in turn, processes data for Aurum (or its customers). 

2. Various purose of processing

Aurum may be involved in the processing of your personal data in several ways. 

First, Aurum processes the personal data of its direct and indirect, existing or potential relationships, as well as its own employees. This processing is necessary for Aurum to serve its customers, issue invoices, pay its employees, place orders with its suppliers, and for promotional or marketing purposes. There may also be a legal obligation to maintain certain data. 

In all these cases, Aurum is ultimately responsible for the protection of this personal data. 

Additionally, Aurum may process personal data on behalf of third parties. In such cases, Aurum acts as the Processor of the relevant personal data. Since Aurum is not ultimately responsible for the protection of the personal data in these cases (this responsibility remains with the Controller, the data owner), Aurum enters into a data processing agreement with the customer. This agreement specifies which data Aurum processes and how it will protect this data for the customer. 

3. Legislation

When processing the obtained personal data, we always comply with the law. We will only use the data for the purposes mentioned in Article 3 of this privacy policy. If we wish to use the data for other or additional purposes, we will always seek the customer’s consent. We will also process the obtained personal data in a transparent and careful manner. 

4. What data does Aurum process and how?

The specific data that Aurum processes depends on its role. As mentioned above, a distinction must be made between situations where Aurum is responsible and where a third party (such as a customer or supplier) is responsible. 

In the first case, Aurum only processes the personal data it actually needs. This personal data is carefully stored and not kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was processed. Aurum follows several principles in this process: 

  • All Aurum employees are bound by a confidentiality agreement. 
  • Aurum sometimes engages third parties to process personal data on its behalf; for example, a marketing agency that conducts an online campaign for Aurum or for an order placed via one of Aurum’s webshops. Aurum always enters into a data processing agreement with these third parties to ensure that your data is as secure with them as it is with Aurum. In such cases, Aurum remains responsible. 
  • Aurum never sells your personal data to third parties. 
  • In the other case (when Aurum processes the data without being responsible for it), Aurum is often unaware of what data is involved. Aurum does not have access to this data. In such cases, Aurum provides the agreed level of protection. In all cases, Aurum takes appropriate technical and organizational measures. 

5. Does Aurum also process special categories of personal data?

Special categories of personal data are sensitive data, such as information about health, criminal history, or country of birth. 

Aurum, as the Controller, does not process special categories of personal data, except where required by law. 

6. Can I see what personal data Aurum processes about me?

Yes, if Aurum is the Controller of your personal data, Aurum can provide you, upon request, with access to the personal data it processes about you. The data is your property. If you believe that your personal data has been processed incorrectly or incompletely, or if you believe it should not have been processed, you can request Aurum to correct, supplement, or delete it. Aurum will generally comply with such requests unless its services to you or any legal obligation makes this impossible. Aurum will, of course, explain this to you in such cases. 

7. Securing your data

Internally, we take various organizational and technical measures to secure personal data. These measures include: 

  • Securing domains and sub-domains with SSL certificates where possible; 
  • Encrypting privacy-sensitive data where possible; 
  • Using various firewalls to prevent misuse; 
  • Active monitoring and logging to prevent misuse attempts; 
  • Ensuring our servers are located within the EEA (European Economic Area); 
  • Ensuring as many sub-processors as possible are within the EEA, or at least comply with the Privacy Shield. 

8. Does Aurum use cookies?

Aurum uses cookies when offering its online services. Cookies are small, simple text files that may be placed on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone when you visit the Aurum website. 

For more information, refer to Aurum’s Cookie Statement, which can be found on our websites. 

9. Google analytics

Aurum uses Google Analytics. Google is Privacy Shield certified, meaning that Google has taken appropriate safeguards to protect your privacy. We have configured Google Analytics in a privacy-friendly manner, which means that we have agreed with Google that the collected data will not be shared or used for other Google services. For more information, read Google’s privacy statement or fully opt-out via the Google opt-out service.

10. Where can I go with a question or comment?

For questions or comments about the processing of personal data by Aurum, please contact: 

Phone:   +31(0)85 201 92 74

11. Can Aurum change this privacy statement?

Yes, Aurum may make small changes from time to time. We will inform you in advance of any major changes. The most current version of the privacy statement can be found on our website.